525 Park Street, Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55103-2145 Phone: 651-291-1119 Website: www.mppoa.com
August 20, 2020
Jon Koznick 18667 Irvine Way Lakeville, MN 55044
Dear Jon,
I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) issued its endorsement of your candidacy for office in the Minnesota House of Representatives. This endorsement is without reservation and you may use it in any manner you deem fit to advance your candidacy, absent any action that may bring dishonor or disgrace to the MPPOA.
The MPPOA has been in existence since 1922 and represents 10,400 public safety professionals across the State of Minnesota and over 2,000 retired members. It is our hope that our endorsement will advance your candidacy and that you will be successful in your efforts to solidify a seat in the Minnesota House.
The MPPOA sincerely wishes you well and if I can be of further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.

Brian Peters Executive Director Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association 525 Park Street, Suite 250, St. Paul, MN 55103 Office-651-793-2302 Cell-763-402-3717